Sunday, January 31, 2010

A letter from a Nattyflatt kid at Marine boot camp

Hello Ma and Pa, I am fine. Hope you are too. Tell brother Walt and brother Elmer that the Marine Corp beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up before all of the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed until nearly 6am, but I am starting to like sleeping in. Tell Walt and Elmer that the only thing you do before breakfast is smooth your cot and polish some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothin'. Men got to shave, but it's not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, bacon, eggs, cereal, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried egg plant, pie, and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the 2 city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you till noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much. We go on "route marches", which the platoon sergeant says are long walks that will harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell him different. A route march is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks. The country is nice, but awful flat. The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and Colonels just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none. This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The Bulls-Eye is near as big as a chipmunks head and don't move. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges, they come in boxes. Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat. You get to wrestle wlith them city boys. I have to be careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fightin' with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this except for that Tug Edwards from over in Santo. I only beat him once. He joined up at the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds, and he's 6'8" and near 300 pounds dry. Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this and come stampeding in. Your loving daughter, Carol


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

beware you very well may be being monitored

Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Sunday, January 17, 2010


Last April 2009, Sydney University and scientists released the results of a recent analysis that revealed the presence of female hormones in beer. Men should take a concerned look at their beer consumption. The theory is that beer contains female hormones (hops contain Phytoestrogens) and that by drinking enough beer, men turn into women .. To test the theory, 100 men each drank 8 schooners of beer within a one (1) hour period. It was then observed that 100% of the test subjects, yes, 100% of all these men:-
1) Argued over nothing.
2) Refused to apologize when obviously wrong.
3) Gained weight.
4) Talked excessively without making sense.
5) Became overly emotional
6) Couldn't drive.
7) Failed to think rationally, and
8) Had to sit down while urinating.

No further testing was considered necessary!!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The big 50 is here


Saturday, January 09, 2010

Just in from Purdue University

In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States. It was pretty simple, the candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age. However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president . The class was taking it in and letting her rant, but everyone's jaw hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?" Yep, these are the same 18-year-olds that just elected the new President of the United States.


sure is cold here

Another cold day. at least no snow to contend with.